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Hello. This belongs to Beamer.
Ok, they are all mine and as
such fall under the heading of BMW Rules... which is the name I gave to my first site,
Fight the good fight. More about this later. This, as stated at the get go, is a work
in progress
and shall probably remain so. Dying would probably stop the work
or my
Computer blows up, neither of which I am anticipating soon. So on it grows...
My Movie Review Blog No porn films and might cover the occasional "R" Rated film. I do like a good shoot um' up.
My Beamer's Photo Blog. Some 346 images I have uploaded so far.
My The World as I see it Thoughts and rantings by the man behind the curtain - me.
Other Photo collections of mine
Desktop Images - Images to place on your desktop for your computer.
Beamers Photogs
The photo stylings of Beamer displayed for your pleasure.
Other Goodies
Hopefully, new additions to BMW Rules ... will get recorded here
The new stuff
My Links Collection
BMW RULES... AND Chevy Trucks Drool!!
Or as I like to refer to this site as
Fight the GOOD fight!
More about this later.
Page 1.
Page 2.
Information on fraud, scams, and other things that go
bump in the night on the Internet (main focus) and in the
Real world.
Page 3.
Devoted to the Link.
Page 4.
Main focus on JAVA and Related Internet security Matters. Page 5.
Page devoted to the Virus.
Page 6.
Devoted to the Link.
Page 7.
Odds and ends. Actually my Home Page.
Page 8.
Index Listing Items by occurance on this site: Fight the Good fight! (I am about to 86 this
page. It was a lot more work to put up than I thought it would be an it has not been updated
in quite a while. Basically dead wood.)
Now a whole 'nother side of me: Discussions of my amazing Spiritual Journey.
The Spiritual Realm
I am so thankful to have found this little corner of the Internet. These are the
unofficial archives of Yahoo's spiritual board. The actual board can be found Here.
(Updated 2/21/2007 - Honestly, I can't recommend this message board any more. Yahell has just totally ruined the ebb and flow the thing use to have. Approach only if you have a ton of patience. I rarely go there any more.)
The Archive.
I'm Going to be delving into this arena a whole lot more in the future, as
far as website goes. If I can find the time to produce them, that is. God willing.
(Updated 2 / 21/ 2007 - Man, forget this idea. Those topics have long since gone with the wind. It is as it is and shall remain so.)
Ok, so why the Name Chevy trucks drool? There is a movie called
Homeward Bound, and in this movie the cat says to one of the dogs
"Cats rule and Dogs Drool."
Well, I guess this made an impression on me
and with the fact that I own a '67 Chevy Pickup and My Initials are BMW...
There you are. And besides, I figured once I took over the internet with my
tremendous charm and wit, I'd be all set. (Not to mention my slight ego
As far as the name Fight the good fight.
I had one person tell me that
they didn't want a fight and then asked what did I fight with? Viruses.
That is the exact opposite of what I am trying to get across with this site.
I got to work as a student Helper in A local College Computer Lab before
they had the opportunity to get a Virus checking program Installed during boot up of the
Computers that the students were using. This was back in August of1996. There were about 200 some odd
IBM PC's that were available to the students and the general public. The Internet was
for access and no mandatory virus protection. It was left up
to each student and member of the community to scan their disks at the door coming in
to check
for Viruses.
To make a long story short, I must have seen and destroyed about
thirty different
viruses in the nine months that I worked at this lab. Many students lost countless hours of
work due to these viruses and much heartache developed. It was really
sad to see. So, I thought the first thing I would do once I learned HTML was try to
reach as many people
as possible and try to educate them about the dangers of Viruses and how they can
protect themselves
from these destructive chunks of Data. Thank You.
The Lynx
I am finally Phasing out the Lynx. It has been fun, but it is time to move on with my bad self.
This Is another page tied into the Lynx.
Last Modified: 5 / 9 / 2008 by Beamer
Changing LINKS
Thank you Tripod for the Real Estate.
You may contact Beamer
Mail to: beam_er at yahoo.com
Scrub The Web